Sunday, July 29, 2018

How to Install WordPress Manually on any Web Hosting Using Cpanel FTP

How to Install WordPress Manually on any Web Hosting Using Cpanel FTP

Simple Steps to Manually Install WordPress Blog:

Step 1: Download WordPress Installation Package

Initially you need to download the WordPress installation package from the official download page. Always go for the latest version of wordpress.
download wordpress installation pack

Step 2: Create a new database for WordPress

In order to create a new wordpress site, you need to have a new database. To access the database you need to login to the Cpanel. You might get little confused at this point, so be careful while performing them. Follow the below screenshots for easy understanding.
Login to your Cpanel and scroll down to the databases section. Click the MySQL Database Wizard.
create database
You will land on a page where you can create the database with whatever name you want. Then you will be asked to enter the database username in the step 2.
create database name
create database user
The next step is to give privileges to the user you just created. Select all privileges and click on next step.
grant previlages
You are done! Now you have created a new database with database name, database user and database password, which you need to save for further use.

Step 3: Uploading WordPress file into your server

Now you need to upload the wordpress installer package (which you previously downloaded) into the server. This can be done in many different ways. You can either directly upload it into the Cpanel, use software like Filezilla to upload the files or upload the compressed file into Cpanel and unzip it. But where will you upload it? You need to do it in the root i.e. public_html. You should then edit the wp-config file to connect the site with its database.
If you are creating a new site in a normal Cpanel, upload the file in the /public_html directory and then unzip it. Extract the files into the public_html directory only.
upload wordpress
Note: If you are installing wordpress on an add-on domain, then you need to upload the file in the new domain directory i.e., /public_html/add-on-domain-name.

Step 4: Editing the wp-config file

Once you are done with the upload, you need to edit the wp-config file in the public_html directory itself. Right click on wp-config and select the edit option.
edit file cpanel
You need to make only the following changes: (Do not touch anything else)
editing wp-config
Replace the above database name, user and password with the one�s you just created.

Step 5: Executing WordPress manual installer script

We have done all the important things you need to do to install wordpress manually. Now all you need to do is simply run the wordpress installer script and give the name of your site, username and password as your login credentials.
Go to the URL:
(Replace with your new domain)
wordpress installer
wordpress installation
- See more at:

go to link download

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